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Outrageous (English)

Popular Party (PP) and Spanish Socialist Worker's Party (PSOE) always pay multi-million dollar campaign with much borrowed money and with many favors too, which they must return. Probably this fact justifies why PP and PSOE selflessly help banks, for exemple when they defeated the mortgages's law (to delivery the house to cancell the unpaid mortgage). The banks didn't suit this law. Who cares if banks seize your home but you must continue paying it the mortgage although you have already  lost your house. Because who are you to the banks or the politicians?

More than two centuries ago, Thomas Jefferson said "if the power passed through the hands of the banks or the corporations, the democratic experiment would be over. We would have a form of absolutism worse than those who had fought against the settlers". In Spain, someone doesn't know who are the bosses. We are quite suit who governs here. Thus, it's time to put an end to the tyranny of the banks and their vassals, PP-PSOE. We have lost the fear and we are occupying the main squares in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Alacant, Granada,...  . Now It's the moment of your city.

The movement "indignaos" or May 15th movement ( Spanish for outraged) fights against the governments which reduce public investment and enable big companies to use the excuse of the crisis to lay off workers. A clear example is Telefonica, which announced calmly the dimissal of 20% of its workers in Spain, 6,400 persons, while  its managers had divided 450 million euros up. Outrageous. 

Unemployed (which is almost the same that young in Spain) women, gays, newcomers, pensioners, students, workers, small businessmen, professionals, ... we are the largest affected by this Economic crisis and the only ones who pay. The banks and big business only think on increasing revenue every year. For them, make less money than last year is losing money and is the justification to lay off thousands of workers and take overseas factories. To them, that is the globalization. For me, that behavior is despicable

All the parties or people who don't fight and get indignant at these injustices  are accomplice of them. St. Augustine, nothing revolutionary, said the hope had two wonderful daughters in the Pandora's box, anger and courage. The anger at the way things are and courage to change. With your vote, you and I can change Spain.

(Historian of economics and an outraged)


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